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Pancreatic Cancer UK: emotional support resources

Pancreatic cancer has a huge emotional impact on patients and carers, but up until now the charity had not developed any particular resources addressing this.

This involved a research review, interviews, forum and social media consultation and formation of a co-production group.

Using this insight new leaflets and two more detailed web pages were produced.

The leaflets are specifically designed to provide bite-size, support content at a time when people are overwhelmed and distressed.

The web content goes into further depth and provides practical strategies and tips from patients and carers that people can act on.

The charity are very happy with the outcome and we hope it make a difference to patients and carers at a very difficult time.

Feedback from Emily Morgan, Senior Information Manager:

"We’re really pleased with it all – it’s definitely filled a gap in our info. Thanks for all your work on it – it was great to try something different with this, and I think it’s really paid off."